Sunday, April 20 | 10:30 AM
Celebrate Easter with us at Lockeland Springs on Sunday, April 20 at 10:30 a.m.! Bring the whole family for a special morning filled with community and celebration. Enjoy breakfast together, join in the Easter egg hunt, and enjoy a one-hour service that will include music and a meaningful message! Care is provided for children from birth through 4 years old. We can’t wait to celebrate Easter with you!
Thursday, April 17 | 7:00 PM
Join us for a Maundy Thursday service as we reflect on Jesus’s final moments with His disciples. Come worship with us on Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. This is a family worship service, and no childcare will be provided.
Sunday, April 20 | 10:30 AM
The New Has Come. The empty tomb isn’t just the end of the story—it’s the beginning of something new. Because Jesus lives, we are not only redeemed—we are recreated. Come celebrate the resurrection and experience the joy of new life this Easter. Join us on Sunday, April 20 at 10:30 a.m. for Easter Worship. Worship care will be available for ages birth-4 years old.
Sunday, April 20 | 9:00 AM
We’re celebrating Easter together, and we don’t want you to miss it! Invite your friends and neighbors for breakfast, an egg hunt, and a special time to praise our Risen King on Sunday, April 20, at 9:00 a.m.